Friday, 4 May 2007


And in the start there was Time. But that was not the starting. There was a Time before the start of Time and a Time before the start of that Time. So which ever start you chose there is a Time preceding that. There is a start preceding every Time also, but that start too, like all other starts, is preceded by a Time. So Time is eternal and a start is an illusion.

In the same way, this is not the start of this narrative. It has always been there – in one form or the other it has always existed; like Time. Some times its existence has been conscious, but for the better part of history it has had to stick to the subconscious. A privilege shared by a few. Its start is an illusion many will battle with. Like all those who battle with illusions, they too will fail.

On failing they will try to win over Time. Here too they will fail. For time is eternal and belongs to no one person, or two for that matter. Time belongs to no one and no one masters over it. For it is its own master.

But we are not here to talk about Time and starts. We are here to talk about more important matters. Matters of no importance what-so-ever. But important none the less.

We will discuss what others discuss. And also discuss why they discuss what they discuss.

It will be a third person’s narrative on what the first person says to the second person.

It will be enjoyable. It will be cut-throat. It will be fierce. But most of all it will expose the obvious in ways never know or seen before. Here you will see your subconscious become the conscious. Here you will encounter solid proof that your subconscious is hand in hand with your conscious and it will give you away at ever opportunity. Beware.

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